A Self-Care Retreat for Play Therapists

Date: …to be announced
Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm PST
Participants: Max of 8
Cost: CAD$950 + GST
CEU Credits: 18
This three-day in-person retreat for play therapists will focus on the issues of self-care and the need for ongoing self-renewal that is essential for us to maintain the stamina necessary to provide children and their families with a safe place to heal. This topic is especially important for play therapists during challenging times — such as the Covid-19 pandemic — which can cause increased demand on play therapists.

Learning Objectives:
- Play Therapists will take stock of their present professional and personal situation (case load expectations, vicarious traumatization, toxicity of work environment, processing and addressing countertransference issues, life demands they are presently facing, etc.)
- Participants will explore their physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual needs and reflect on whether these are being met, while dealing with demands, challenges, and the long-term side effects of being a therapist.
- Participants will design a self-care practice that will make it easier for them to take steps toward the most essential and pressing changes they might have identified, and thus find ways of maintaining the integrity and enjoyment of their work in spite of the challenges they might be facing.
- This will be done through discussions, the use of imagery, metaphors, visualizations, and / or a variety of expressive therapies as practiced in Expressive Play Therapy.
- Ample time will be left to enjoy the beauty of San Pareil and practice self-care at the end of each day.
Fee includes use of materials and certificate of attendance. Meals and accommodations are not provided.
The Centre for Expressive Therapy is an APT Approved Provider #95-010, a BC Play Therapy Association Approved Provider #18-01, and a Canadian Association for Play Therapy Approved Provider #09-102. Please visit their websites to learn more about their specific requirements.
Please visit their websites to learn more about their specific requirements.