Sand Play Therapy

Sand Play Therapy
The approach to sand play therapy in these seminars was developed by Marie José Dhaese, as one of the many expressive play therapy methods used in the context of Expressive Play Therapy®. It has now been shared and taught for 40 years. The content of each Sand Play Therapy seminar builds on the other; it is recommended they be taken in order.
Children’s process and imagery will be addressed through viewing and discussing slides and/or video taped sessions in the mornings. Adult imagery and process will be addressed through viewing slides but mostly through demonstrations and/or debriefing of participant’s imagery during the experiential in the afternoons. These seminars take place in Marie José’s well equipped playroom; participants will thus have the opportunity to experience and use her collection of sand play therapy figurines as well as the sand trays and storage units she has designed.

Sand Play Therapy Workshops