Expressive Play Therapy® – for the Grieving Child

Date: November 8-10, 2025
Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm PST
Participants: Max of 12
Cost: CAD$780.00 + GST
CEU Credits: 18
Recommended Prerequisite: Expressive Play Therapy, A Holistic and Integrative Approach or equivalent
This 3 day live webinar will provide a compassionate understanding of the experiences and needs of children who have suffered the temporary, recurring, or permanent loss of a primary caregiver. Participants will explore a wide variety of nature and animal assisted expressive therapies that are used to soothe and strengthen grieving children as well as to help them express and transform their painful feelings.
Topics will include the crucial role of attachment, the effects of loss of a primary attachment on the child’s emotional well being, and the impact of unresolved grief on the child’s ability to form satisfying relationships. We will also discuss the stages of the grieving process and its healing function, and how children suffering from complicated grief have used expressive play therapy methods during the course of their transformational journey.
Participants will have the opportunity to witness a practical application of Holistic Expressive Play Therapy principles through viewing and discussing multiple case examples and will experience first-hand the image making process – using metaphors, visualizations, art, assemblage, sewing, and storytelling – as related to the topic of loss.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Describe the crucial role of attachment through the lens of Expressive Play Therapy.
- Describe the effects of loss and the impact of unresolved grief on a child’s ability to form satisfying relationships.
- Identify the stages of grief and describe the journey through the grieving process.
- Prepare an intake process that considers unique factors in the case of children who have experienced complicated traumatic loss.
- Design an appropriate plan to assist parents / guardians to care for grieving children in their home environment.
- Identify the specific needs of children, according to their developmental stages, as they progress through each stage of the grieving process.
- Describe the appropriate Expressive Play Therapy methods and interventions used to address childrens’ needs at each stage of the grieving process.
- Identify recurring images in the art, sand play, and play of grieving children through the various stages of the play therapy process.
- List and compare various image making processes – art, sand play therapy, sewing, singing, and storytelling – as vital components of Expressive Play Therapy practice with grieving children.
Fee includes certificate of attendance for the purpose of continuing education programs.
For participants wishing to count credits toward certification with CAPT, a successful student evaluation by Marie Jose in the form of an essay will be required. There will be an additional charge of $75 for this service.
* For those seeking Play Therapy registration or certification – this course will go towards 3 hours of theory / approach, 3 hours of techniques, and 12 hours of special populations.
The Centre for Expressive Therapy is an APT Approved Provider #95-010, a BC Play Therapy Association Approved Provider #18-01, and a Canadian Association for Play Therapy Approved Provider #09-102. Please visit their websites to learn more about their specific requirements.
Please visit their websites to learn more about their specific requirements.